My Services

Counseling Services

Everyone is welcome:  individuals, couples, poly families, sex-positive and kink communities, swinger communities, LGBTQ, transgender, and every kind of non-traditional couple and non-traditional family are welcome.  What are your alternative life choices?  I might surprise you with the extent of my experience.  My coaching and my counseling are life-positive and accepting.

I specialize in showing couples or poly households how structure in an intimate relationship can be richly supportive.

Life Positive Counseling:  You do not need to have trouble in your life to contact me. Contact me because you would appreciate having a responsible and friendly counselor to talk to about your plans or about your thoughts and feelings. You can also read my blog and ask questions in the comments section.

Payment:  Fees are listed on my Book an Appointment page.  Creative sliding scale; talk to me.  First 50 minutes are free.  Privacy Policy.

Your first visit is free; let’s see if we’re a good match.  BOOK AN APPOINTMENT.

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My experience and knowledge can benefit you in these areas:

Spiritual journey:  spiritual seekers welcome


Conflict resolution and mediation

Career exploration or career remakes

Personal growth or self-esteem building

Life transitions and life planning

Project planning

Stress management

Pre-marriage or  commitment counseling

Marriage or committed relationship counseling

Negotiating relationship contracts

Alternative living situations

Dating and romance pursuit

Power exchange relationships or non-egalitarian relationships

Last but not least my book, ‘Unequal Partnership: a dating guide for loving non-egalitarian relationships’ can also help you in many of the above areas.


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I offer secure remote counseling.  Privacy policy.

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