Some of our loving neighbors have made creative arrangements in their intimate relationships. For some of them it is a relationship structure that features and depends on female leadership. Many of those creative neighbors of yours and mine report great happiness in a sustained way.
You might think that the concept of female leadership is some wild modern experiment but actually it is an ancient concept that never went away. “Ancient” is not exaggeration. Some ancient civilizations all across the world and on every continent were women-centric, that is, ultimate control over their society’s governance and labor organization were in the hands of women.
Sometimes anthropologists have wrongly identified where power was held in these ancient civilizations because men appeared to be in socially and politically prominent positions. Women appeared to the outsider to only be in the background tending the crops and having babies. A much closer examination of the ancient civs and of a few existing smaller societies today show power in the women’s control. Women chose the political officeholders and could remove them if they failed to take good care of the people.
In such societies women controlled the economic purse for everyone’s good. They determined all market activities plus they owned the heritable properties such as the family home. Women controlled marriages in that they selected their partners and no woman was compelled to remain with a mate that she no longer wanted.
“We can forge a whole new social order based on the acceptance and celebration of differences, not on one group dominating another. The rise of the feminine does not mean the demise of the masculine. It means creating a way of life that includes and honors both principles. It means creating a society where individuals are free to express their gifts and talents without being limited by gender, age, or race.” —Barbara Wright Abernathy, author
In my opinion the idea of female leadership in an intimate relationship falls hard on some ears, not all, because of one of three reasons:
I do not know anyone who is promoting matriarchy. There has never, ever existed a matriarchy anywhere at any time. Women have never dominated males as a form of societal organization. Instead, balance can be achieved through the prominence of female power in intimate relationships and for American society as a whole. Here is Barbara Wright Abernathy’s statement about how important the shift away from patriarchy and toward balance is:
“Many of the difficulties we face in our relationships are a reflection of the underlying patterns of a patriarchal, male-dominated society in the process of change. If we can make the transition to a new society that accepts and blends the best qualities of the masculine and the feminine, we will usher in a new Golden Age for the human race.”
Here are some ideas about what female leadership in an intimate relationship might look like today:
You don’t know what kind of creative arrangement that your neighbors might have in and out of the bedroom. I don’t either but I do know that women-centered is one possibility.
Abernathy, Barbara Wright. Venus on Top: women who are born to lead and the men who love them. Oakhill Press, Winchester, Virginia, p. 277.
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